The Original Soundtrack from TERROR IN THE AISLES by composer John Beal is now available through iTunes, Amazon and other top online stores.   CLICK HERE

Released in 1984, TERROR IN THE AISLES takes the audience through some of Hollywood’s most terrifying moments from several of the finest horror, science fiction and crime films of the 60s, 70s and 80s, including films such as NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, PSYCHO, JAWS, HALLOWEEN, THE FOG, FRIDAY THE 13TH, THE THING, THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, THE EXORCIST, THE SHINING, INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS and many more.

TerrorInTheAislesScanThe framework for TERROR IN THE AISLES is very simple. Current horror stars Donald Pleasence and Nancy Allen sit with an audience in a movie theater watching an unnamed horror film while the viewer is shown clips from the history of cinema as the hosts try to answer a question… What is so appealing about movies that scare us? Logistically, it would not make sense to use the existing music for all of the film clips used in the film or you would have a soundtrack of complete chaos, with different music styles colliding with each other and some harsh editing. Director Andrew Kuehn would need a composer who could write music that would support the clips shown in the film and also maintain its own dramatic progression. To resolve this problem, Kuehn turned to composer John Beal, who already had a solid reputation for writing music for movie trailers and would easily be able to switch musical gears in a microsecond and was also intimately familiar with the original scores for many of the clips shown in the film. While some of the score for TERROR IN THE AISLES is electronic, most of the score was recorded with a symphony orchestra at CTS Studios, Wembley in London.